READ MY LIPS with Dr.Jart+​

Hear us out: your lips can reveal a lot about you.

Whether you’re in your wholesome era or living your best life, your lips are a mega giveaway. And some even believe the lips are a mirror to the soul, a reflection of your habits, health and mental wellbeing. It’s what is known as Lipsology®.

READ MY LIPS with Dr.Jart+​

Hear us out: your lips can reveal a lot about you. Whether you’re in your wholesome era or living your best life, your lips are a mega giveaway. And some even believe the lips are a mirror to the soul, a reflection of your habits, health and mental wellbeing. It’s what is known as Lipsology®.

What Is Lipsology?​

Good question. It’s the science of lip print reading, of course. And there are only nine Certified Lipsologists in the world!​
Based on Lipsology founder Jilly Eddy’s 30 years of collecting, identifying and interpreting lip prints, Lipsologists believe the lines and contours of our lips reveal a whole lot about our vibe – from personality traits to energy levels, emotions and so much more. Plus, as our lip prints change all the time, they can shine a light on how we’re feeling right now. Fascinating, right?​

Read Your Lips

Step 1: How to Take a Lip Print

Step 2: How to Read Your Lip Print